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Strawberries and Whipped Cream

It felt like we were floating down a stream.
being carried off in some lovers dream.
An effortless dance as his lips and fingers
touched more than my skin. I wish I was
stronger but where and how do I begin?
His touch feels so good. Whispering words
Longed to be heard. Penetrating flowing
through every vein only to reach my sorrow,
wandering lost, wishing for the pain to stop
and it's need for love be understood.

Instead, I feel my fear closing in on me. I
wish love didn't always bring my inner child
to it's knees. Feeling unworthy of being loved
again and again. They know not the impact of
their love retrieved.
Within me sadness, to the outside world for most
hard to see. the memories rise of the ones who
have lied and deceived. Felt no remorse for
what took and withheld, what I could have  
conceived, the love that abides in me.
How is it possible to express the magnitude
of one event? Unknowing of what was in store.
believing to be loved then have it ripped out
from ones inner core. While helpless and unable
to run out the door.

standing still in utter shock, while witnessing
my life's essence slipping between every finger.
the light became dim the room began to spin.
love spoken in one breath, in the next I'm
put to my death. Isn't taking life a sin?

upon opening my eyes an array of color's so
beautiful and bright. It was life itself saying
it's not your time for it is from the love within
you others will find. You were sent to help the
blind awakening them to what in them also abides.

It was a splash of water that brought me back
and in his other hand he held a strawberry and
whipped cream snack, I couldn't help but to laugh.
We fell into each others arms and kissed away
any and all feelings of unworthiness and lack.

Once and for all, the day finally came, I no longer
held the memories that continued to cause me so much
pain when ever love called. Now free to express the
deep richness that life had given me. Letting go of
what was not mine to hold.

     To now experiencing my pedals unfold.  

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